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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why my new hobby is looking at myself in the mirror naked

 Review of "20 Second Fitness" 
Update: February 7th. Just finished my 3rd tour of the 4 week program and I am starting to do all the harder exercises . I hate, burpees with push-ups! 

Update: December 21st. Somehow it took me 6.5 weeks to complete a 4 week program. I think that has a lot to do with Thanksgiving. The biggest disappointment for me has been the weight gain. I look a lot better and I have great muscle definition but the fat seems to be accumulating on my now bigger tummy muscles which only makes it look that much bigger. I think my appetite has been increasing for fatty and high calorie foods. The holidays are never a good time for me to lose weight. I just have to get back on my calorie count program.

On a very positive note, I ran a 5K on Thanksgiving and it was no problem at all. I had a lot of energy all the way to the end and wasn't even breathing hard. I stopped running in early September when I started the 20 second fitness plan, so I thought that was awesome. On the other hand, I tried to run this Sunday and my left knee was killing me. I couldn't even run a mile.

Summary - Thumbs up! Great work-out, inexpensive program, short workouts make procrastination harder.

     I am now finished with the 2 warm-up weeks and the 4 regular work-out weeks. I can see amazing changes in my muscle definition, especially my abs. Then, there are tiny changes that can't be documented like losing weight around my ankles. I don't mind seeing myself in the bathroom mirror anymore.
      About two years ago I decided to get control over my weight and health. I lost a bunch of weight over 1 year by severely restricting calories, but I still wasn't in shape, so I started running using the Couch to 5K program in April 2011. That helped, I felt better and had more energy, but I stalled out at 125 lbs and 3 miles of running distance. It didn't seem to matter how little I ate or how much I ran, I wasn't making progress.

     In September, 2011, I was at a Women's Expo in Orem, Utah and met Spencer. He was selling his 20-second Fitness Program. I was very skeptical at first but after 3 days of talking to him and the other people at the booth who had tried the program, I decided to give it a try. He convinced me because of the real life, before and after pictures of him, his wife, and other people who had gone through the program. They didn't seem like fitness freaks and, in fact, Spencer described one of them as lazy.  He also said you only had to work out for 12 minutes per day - MAX, 6 days per week. That sounded great because I was really getting tired of 40 minute runs that didn't seem to be getting me anywhere.

     I have not lost weight. I actually gained weight while losing 2.5 inches around my waist. I am hoping the weight gain was muscle mass which will shortly start turning into real fat loss.

     I will keep going because I love the way I look and want to stay fit for my kids.There really is no excuse when the workouts are so short.

September 12th 2011 November 7th, 2011 December 21st, 2011February 7th, 2012
Weight 125 lbs 127 lbs 130 lbs 128 lbs
Bicep 11 in 11.5 in 11 in 11 in
Hips 36 in. 38 in. 38 in. 38.5 in.
Chest 34 in. 34.5 in. 35.5 in. 35.5 in.
Thighs 18 in. 19.5 in. 20 in. 20 in.
Waist 34.5 in. 32 in. 32 in. 32 in.
Calf 13 in. 13.5 in. 13 in. 13.5 in.

See the program at and . It only cost $100 which included the stretch cords, mat, videos, and jump rope.

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