First she starts by name calling, Long Dong Silver - that is sooo funny Ann, hahahaha. How did you ever come up with that? There was no way I was going to Google that but I did google Long Dong Silver + TSA, and for some reason someone named Bungalow Bill also made the connection on November 18th in his blog at- Again, I don't really know why and I don't want to either, please don't enlighten me.
So apparently Ann wants the security at the congressional office buildings to be just as good at the airports with the enhanced pat downs. Her infantile argument is that Capital Hill guards can't possibly recognize 435 congressmen any better than TSA agents can recognize passengers on 37,000 flights all across America. My God, why does this women continue to be given a forum to speak anywhere? She thinks airports are the same as the local diner:
Stop! Stop right there! OK, so poorly paid TSA agents who work different shifts each week at different gates who see thousands of passengers a day, if not each hour, are the same as Capital Hill security guards who work the same shift at the same door who see only 435 people every day for two years? Does she think we are stupid or does she just not care if she is insulting us?
It can't be because Capitol Hill security guards recognize members of Congress and their staff. TSA agents presumably recognize lots of people going through airport security. Ten to 20 percent of passengers are frequent fliers taking the same routes over and over again, year after year.
In addition, TSA agents will recognize their neighbors of 40 years, their hometown mayor, their children's teachers, local and national celebrities, actors, athletes and other famous personalities. Some TSA agents probably recognize Christian Slater as that guy who sometimes has a gun in his carry-on bag.So, I guess, your local TSA agent is just like the local dog catcher or constable, just hanging out, chewing the tobaccee, touching your junk.
She claims the policy is elitist because congressmen don't get the enhanced pat down while proposing that the elite (recognizable celebs) be given special treatment. According to her we should give James Caan and Al Gore special treatment because we recognize them, but not Bob Smith, your insurance agent who is going to his first insurance convention in Omaha. Why would she rail against elitism and then argue for it? We don't know, we will never know. If asked, she will deflect by making some other inane statement.
She is incensed that members of congress are exempt from screenings. For a constitutional lawyer, she does not seem understand that members of Congress should not be subject to Executive Branch procedures, presumably to keep the Executive branch from using that power to prevent Congress from sitting and doing its job. Duh.
This women has never had an original thought in her head. She is a good writer and communicator, much like McDonald's is a great restaurant. Please stop feeding the baby by reading this crap.
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